Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Sis-in-Law's Wedding Video

This was just too cute not to share. Actually, the real reason for my posting this is because watching The Hubby dancing at the end of this just makes my heart melt. He's the one on the right.

It's going to have to be a link, so here's the video.


A Matter Close to My Heart...Literally

This post is about breastfeeding, so I will be discussing things such as my breasts and nipples. If you would rather live your life without this information then discontinue reading.

Also, all health information is my own opinion and not meant to diagnose or treat any disease or ailment. Always consult with your doctor about any treatment program. Thank you.


Three weeks ago Doozer bit me on the nipple, drawing a bit of blood. I don't blame her too much, she is still teething in earnest which makes chomping a natural reaction to having something in her mouth. Even if that something is a super sensitive part of me.

BuggaBoo did the same thing about this time in his life years ago, but his was a bit more malicious. He was wet, I was in a conversation and not really paying attention to his fussing, so I just stuck a boob in his mouth. Well, he figured out how to get my attention, and quickly! He bit me much more deeply than Doozer did, but it healed in about three days.

Not so this time around. Oh no, this time a little cut decided to become a large cut which became an ulcer. At it's worst this ulcer had a diameter of 3/8" and was at least 1/16" deep. Everyone I showed it to winced and groaned and one of the apprentice midwives that was at Doozer's birth even dropped the F-bomb. That last one cracks me up because she is such a mild-mannered lady. I visited with my friend a few days ago, a woman very knowledgeable in the way of breasts and babies. Her opinion is I have a very bad case of thrush which is impeding the healing.

Two weeks ago I showed it to my sister's midwife while I was visiting family in Washington. She prescribed comfrey, as a poultice and a salve. To use dried comfrey as a poultice you steep about a tablespoon of comfrey in boiling water until it softens, then apply to the wound and wrap tightly. In this instance I placed it in a breast pad. To make the salve I used coconut oil and dried comfrey. In a double boiler put water in the bottom and coconut oil in the top. Set the water to a simmer and melt the coconut oil. When it's thoroughly melted add a goodly amount of comfrey. Keeping the water at a simmer steep the herb in the oil for two to three hours, until the oil is a bright and beautiful green. Strain and put the oil in a container. Apply liberally, it is safe for breastfeeding babies.

So I was applying the salve and poultice but the continual nursing was not helping at all. So I decided to quit nursing on that side and just pump with a Medela hand pump. I also cut down BuggaBoo's nursing sessions to three times a day and kept them very short.

The result is yesterday I was nearly dried up. More dramatically there is at least a cup size difference between my two breasts, the smaller being the one I wasn't nursing on. While visiting with my apprentice midwife (she's not my apprentice, but, well, you get it) she explained that when the body receives less suckling under very stressful circumstances (moving, visiting family, The Hubby sick with the flu, major diet changes, BuggaBoo vomiting again) your milk supply can suddenly and rapidly dry up. The theory is it's for survival reasons, but I can tell you it's very frightening to feel you may not be able to nurse your little baby anymore.

So two midwives and a doula recommended starting an herbal regime to boost milk supply. According to them tinctures of fenugreek and blessed thistle are the best, followed by capsules, followed by teas. I found a capsule of lactation support I feel comfortable with. I'm taking three capsules three times a day, to equal nine capsules each day. I took my first dose last night and felt fuller this morning, so I'm feeling very hopeful.

The next bit of advice was to take a nursing holiday. I'm to do nothing but lay in bed (or on the couch, since The Hubby is using the bed to sleep for work tonight) and nurse the babies as often as they want it.

So, please, wish me luck. My nipple still isn't fully healed, my house is a disaster, and I think I caught The Hubby's flu. Lazing around isn't going to be as easy as it sounds.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Please, Train, Please Slow Down

Did I say I was going to do a give-a-way in my last post. Bwa-ha! I'm just hanging on for the ride right now.

We're moving in a few weeks. Guys, this new place is divine. It's just down the street from where we live now, but it's an actual house. The lot is a third on an acre and there are an apple tree, plum tree, pear tree, and grapes in the backyard, which is totally fenced. The landlords and encouraging us to garden as much as we want to and are letting us keep chickens. With my research I'm finding we can keep six hens, so I'm so super excited to be eating pastured eggs again.

In other news, I've had some preliminary muscle testing on the kids to identify food allergens. Doozer came up positive to wheat and milk, and they cause her respiratory issues. BuggaBoo came up positive to milk, peanuts, sugar, and xylitol, and they give him behavioral issues.

So I've been trying to avoid those things for the kids' food as well as my own. See, since I'm still breastfeeding both chilluns I need to stay away from their allergens or they'll just be getting them through me. I haven't been 100% with the wheat, but I've been perfect for milk, xylitol, and peanuts and pretty okay with sugar.

Oh, boy, the sugar. The first few days I took BuggaBoo off the sweet stuff he was having major withdrawal symptoms. The only sugar he was getting was a tiny bit in some of Dave's Killer Bread and some in organic tomato sauce we were using to replace his ketchup. The poor boy would ignore whatever needed dipping and was DRINKING the tomato sauce from the little cup it was in. He then would ask for more, which I would decline. Many tantrums during this time.

BUT! Yesterday BuggaBoo was playing some computer games. After I while I decided it was time for him to get off, and braced for the expected screaming-meemie meltdown. Instead he said, "Okay!", hopped off, and played with real toys. I tell you, not having the constant screaming is worth this detoxing headache I have right now.

I'm feeling very positive about all the changes going on in our lives right now. I'll keep you updated on my cleanse, which at this point is just cutting out sugar, peanuts, and all gluten. I want to avoid gluten until I can get Doozer more thoroughly tested. It would be lovely to have my little girl go longer than a week without wheezing and hacking.

Have a wonderful day!